20220124 - Wrote, recorded and uploaded toune 17 20220126 - Wrote, recorded and uploaded a vocal melody for toune 17, which I played on guitar 20220130 - Wrote, recorded and uploaded a vocal melody for toune 12, which I played on guitar Created a paroles column in the main table in which I added lyrics for songs 1, 2 and 6 Added this here update file which I linked in the main table to track progress and updates 20220203 - Wrote, recorded and uploaded a vocal melody for toune 13, which I played on guiar 20220204 - Wrote, recorded and uploaded toune 18 20200216 - Added color code to hightlight which tunes I think are worthy of making an album (greyed rows are approved) 20200217 - Wrote, recorded and uploaded toune 20 - I have good ideas for toune 20, I just need to nail them and record them - Made space for toune 19 which is pretty much done, but for which the lenght and structure will be determined by the vocal melody, for which I ha good progress - Wrote and uploaded the charts for tounes 18 and 20 20220228 - Wrote, recorded and uploaded toune 21 as well as a vocal melody played on guitar for that same song 20220302 - Wrote, recorded and uploaded toune 22 20220312 - Wrote, recorded and uploaded toune 23 as well as a vocal melody palyer on guitar for that same song - j'ai la flemme de ré-enregistrer, mais je crois que la troisième mesure du chorus commence sur la mauvaise note dans la mélodie vocale... il faudrait être un ton plus bas et staller au milieu, puis finir à la même place 20220313 - Recorded and uploaded a version of toune 17, 19 and 23 that is recorded over a clic track along with their respective mvg tracks - Instead of replacing the existing bed or creating a new column, I will place the click track under the original bed so everytime a bed has two tracks, the second one is recorded on a click. The one without a click usually has a better feel whilst the other is obviously tighter. - Recorded and uploaded a version of toune 13, 14 and 18 played on a click - Adjusted the structure of toune 18 a bit (removed 2 choruses at the end) 20220329 - On 20220306 I recorded a studio version of toune 21 at St-C. Today I received the files, massaged it a bit and uploaded it. The mix is very dry and the tracks are clean (no distortion or anything) so it kind of sucks, but the main crux was the drums and I am satisfied with that. Will increment soon. The idea behind this is to see how much/how well I could produce something on my own. I will try adding synths, playing with the mix, adding other instruments, anything to see where I can take these pretty stipped beds.